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Scott Cottington

Scott Cottington cofounded the business as Conventions2008, leading into the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, then extended it to Tampa in 2012, Cleveland in 2016, Charlotte in 2020, and now to Milwaukee in 2024. He is also a Principal at The Voyageur Company, one of the nation’s leading fundraising direct mail firms.
He has been in the business of politics since 1978 and an independent consultant since 1987. He served twice as the Political Director at the National Republican Senatorial Committee, was Western Regional Field Director for the National Republican Congressional Committee, and has advised scores of candidates and political committees across the country.
Roll Call Magazine recognized him as “One of the money twenty two: Consultants who matter”, calling him a “hidden gem operating from his home base in Minnesota. Hotline has cited him for “standout performance”.
When it comes to assessing the political climate, determining objectives, and assembling a team – whether to win an election or meet your convention objectives, he is a valuable resource.